Can you feel the crisp in the air? Fall is here and there’s no better time to reset your space and bust out those sweaters. The changing of the seasons is one of our favorite times of the year. It’s the perfect opportunity to edit and simplify your wardrobe. We specify your wardrobe because it’s one area of your home you should constantly re-evaluate. One of the ways we do that here at Imagine It Done is by using a spring cleaning philosophy. And a couple of important steps.
Let’s take a closer look at the steps you can take to simplify your wardrobe for the season:
1 — Treat your closet like a store
The first step is a quick and fun one. Imagine your closet is a retail store. What do you do when you arrive in a shop? You browse. You check out the merchandise to see if it’s something you would wear. You examine the color, the cut, the price.
You don’t have to worry about the price during this exercise. But do focus on the color, cut, and style. As you shop your closet ask yourself if this piece is something that fits your current style. Other questions to ask are:
When would you wear it?
Where would you wear it?
Does the color inspire you?
Do you have a duplicate of it?
More than likely you’ll find a few pieces you no longer want. Remove them immediately and add them to either your Sell, Donate, Toss, Consign, or Recycle pile. We’ll talk more about those below. For now, focus on pulling out the pieces you know for sure you no longer want.
2 — Remove everything and categorize
Once you’ve completed the shopping your closet exercise, it’s time to remove everything else. And I do mean everything! As you remove items from your closet, categorize them. You can get as specific as you want or stick to a simple strategy like this:
The more specific your categories, the more piles you’ll have. Don’t let this step overwhelm you. And don’t overthink where a piece should go. Put it where your first instinct says and let it stay, even if you think later it should go somewhere else.
This step to simplify your wardrobe can give you a little bit of anxiety. This is because you’re actually seeing firsthand how much stuff you have. Again, don’t panic. Just complete the step and move right on to the next one.
3 — Check the quality and fit of your clothes
Now that you have everything out in the open, it’s time to sort through each item piece by piece. This step will take the longest so give yourself plenty of time to get it done. Grab something to drink, turn on some music, and get to work.
You’re going to examine every item and check its quality and fit. You’re also going to determine whether you want to keep it or not. If not, add it to your Sell, Donate, Toss, Consign, or Recycle piles. If you’re not sure, start a maybe pile. Those will be the clothes you try on.
It’s important to try on pieces you’re not sure of as this will give you a better idea of how you feel about it. If the color isn’t something you love, get rid of it. If the cut or shape doesn’t flatter you, get rid of it. This step is not only the longest but the hardest. Take your time, be ruthless in your decisions, and keep only what you love and know you’ll wear.
4 — Clean your closet
Congratulations! You’ve sorted through your entire closet. You’ve completed the biggest steps to simplify your wardrobe. Now before you put everything back, let’s do some cleaning. You don’t want to put clothes back into a dirty closet.
Take this time to wipe down every single shelf, drawer, and surface. If your clothes go on or in it, clean them. If the floor is carpeted, vacuum it. If it’s wooden, sweep and give it a once-over with a mop. Wipe down any mirrors, lights, and vents that might be in the space.
Trust me when I say you’re going to love the feel and smell of a fresh closet. It’ll be nicer to put your clothes back into a space you took the time to clean and prepare.
5 — Organize as you put everything back
Now that your closet is cleaned, it’s time to put the items you’re keeping back in place. Don’t rush this process. Use this time to re-evaluate how you have your closet organized. Do you keep your most-used pieces tucked in the back? Move them forward. Consider new ways of storing items that would best suit you and your lifestyle.
You should always restructure and reorganize your closet to fit your needs. The best time to do this is when you edit your wardrobe, which you should do at least twice a year. If you need some inspiration, head over to and follow us on Instagram. We share a ton of tips on how to store shoes, how to best use drawer organizers and more.
This is your time to make your closet the most organized it’s ever been. Don’t waste it!
6 — Deal with your unwanted clothes
The final step in this process is to deal with your Sell, Donate, Toss, Consign, and Recycle piles. Whatever you do, don’t let these piles sit still for too long. The longer it takes for you to deal with them, the higher the chance of the stuff ending back up in your closet.
Schedule a day to drop off any donations and recycling items. Get the pieces in bags or boxes and in your car as soon as possible. There are so many places you can donate clothes. You have The Salvation Army and Goodwill. You can also look up any other local donation centers. Clothing can be recycled through USAgain. Use their website to find the closest drop box near you.
As for your Sell and Consign pile, you have a ton of options. Some of our favorites include:
The RealReal
Beacon’s Closet
You can also do a search for thrift stores near you. It’s always a good idea to try and make some money off of pieces you no longer want. Many sites and thrift stores make it super easy to sell your items so take advantage and make some money if you can.
Editing your wardrobe should be a step you take at least twice a year. Don’t consider it a chore. Consider it a fresh start. When you simplify your wardrobe, you’re simplifying your life. No more digging through your closet looking for something to wear. As Lisa always says, “An organized space, is an organized mind, is an organized life.”
So take this time to edit and simplify your wardrobe. Share your process on social media. Tag us so we can see how amazing you’re doing. Make sure to visit our Closet Organization Shop when you’re done. It’s filled with products that will transform your closet.
Do you edit your wardrobe on a regular basis? Do you find the process easy or difficult? What’s something you need help with in this area? If you feel this task is beyond your scope don’t hesitate to contact us. Closet organization is one of our specialties. We’d love to help you with yours.