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Sponsored Blog Opportunities

Expand your platform with Imagine it Done!
Want to get more eyes on your content by posting on our blog?
Our blog has more than 3,000 visits per month, and they might be interested in what you have to say.
Imagine it Done is a professional home organization company in New York that helps households create a sustainable, organized lifestyle so that they can focus on their family, goals and work without the stress.
We are looking for valuable content primarily for career women with middle to high income with children at home. Our audience cares about beauty and function in their homes. They want a home that supports their busy lifestyle while still feeling like a haven.
Want to provide valuable content for this audience while getting your business more visible?
Examples of Accepted Topics:
Cleaning hacks and products
Home improvements
Interior design related to function and organization
Tips on maintaining various elements of a home
Clean living
Linen or clothing care
Appliance maintenance
Organizational tips and tricks
Organization with kids
Decorating with plants and flowers
Let's get your message visible through our blog
Our blog has an average of 3,000 visits each month. Here are our stats for the past year, and our blog is only growing.

Plus the power of email
We will send your blog to our email list of thousands of subscribers. With open rate that vary from 46-63% and an average click-to-to open rate of 56%, this will boost the chances of your blog post being seen.

Formatting and content guidelines:

Terms & Next steps:
To submit your blog post, please submit a Google Drive folder to rlipsitz@imagineitdoneny.com that includes:
A google doc file with your blog content
A one or two sentence description of your business
A link to your business or blog
1-3 suggested titles
Images related to the topic (Include as a separate jpeg or png file. Please do not include it in the google doc).
We will be in touch with approval and a link to make your $150 payment.
All submissions will be posted on a first-come, first-served basis within our blog schedule. We will do our best to post your blog within 30 days of payment.
Imagine it Done reserves the right to edit the post for grammar and clarity. We may also add our affiliate links to your post if applicable. If a post isn’t a good fit, we will let you know.