Do you ever spend way too much time digging through your closet and drawers only to get exasperated, fatigued and not end up finding what you were looking for? Or do you ever pull something out of the back of your closet and think, “Where did this even come from?”
It’s time for you to edit your closet! Getting dressed in the morning doesn't have to be a constant struggle when you know where everything is and you truly love everything that is there. Consider these 10 tips on editing every season and bring the joy back to getting dressed to conquer the day!

1. Ensure that all your clothing is your current size and fits you.
If you're editing your own closet and unsure if something fits, try it on for size. If you have young children, it is very important to edit their closets every season. Kids grow in and out of clothes quickly, so place the outgrown clothing in clearly labelled storage bins. Be sure to mark the sizes.
2. Check your clothes for stains, holes, and overall wear and tear.
As we edit through our closets, we often find items that have stains, holes, rips, loose hems and need alteration. Make two piles, one to be hand washed and the other for dry cleaning and repairs. For the stuff that is a lost cause, don’t think twice - toss it!
3. Categorize everything!
Sort through all your clothes: your closet, your drawers, under bed storage, simply everywhere in your room. Categorize all of your garments so you have a better idea of what you have in each category. One time, I was editing my jeans and realized I only had one pair of tight jeans and the rest were baggy, This gave me a much better idea of what I needed and what I should be on the lookout for.
4. Do you have room in your everyday closet for all seasonal clothing?
Do your drawers and closets sometimes feel packed with everything from coats to swimsuits? If your closet feels crowded and you have extra space somewhere else, consider storing your seasonal clothing in another space in your home. We love to use cute and functional storage bins if you have room and place them on the uppermost shelves in your closet. Contain heavier and larger items into Ziploc storage bags.
5. Pretend that your closet is a store and you're shopping. Walk around and think if this would be something you would buy today?
Some of the items in our closets have been there forever! Ask yourself the questions we typically ask ourselves in a store, “Where do I see myself wearing this? Am I going to reach for this in the morning? Does this flatter me?” I love using this fresh perspective to really consider what you want to keep in your closet.
6. Make some money.
One of my favorite reasons to clean out my closet is that it is a great opportunity to make some extra cash! Rachelle Consign is Imagine It Done’s top pick for consigning luxury items. The RealReal is another great option for high end items. There are so many consignment shops that will give cash back for your clothing, jewelry and other accessories. What they don’t take, they will donate. Some of my favorites in NYC include: Beacon's Closet, Collette, and Buffalo Exchange.
You can also sell items online. Some great apps to use to resell your clothes are Poshmark, Depop, and threadUP. You can always reinvest the money you make into sustainable and timeless pieces.
7. Actually pull everything out of your closet and do a serious once or twice over. Look and examine.
Physically pulling your clothes out of your closet and seeing them in a different space will give you a whole new perspective. Review each item separately. You will be surprised to learn that so much of what is old will appear new again.
8. Call a friend to help you out!
Sometimes your closet or pile of clothes can seem like the most daunting task. Bribe a friend with pizza or dessert to just sit and talk with you while you go through your closet. You can even offer first dibs on your give away pile! This can take a lot of anxiety out of the process and can really make it fun!
9. Donate!
There are so many awesome organizations where you can donate clothing and accessories to someone who may not be able to have it otherwise. The Salvation Army and Goodwill are some of our go to drop off donation spots in the city. Also check the local donation centers in your area.
10. Lisa always says, “An organized space, is an organized mind, is an organized life.”
Organizing your space will give you the relief you never knew you needed. Living in a space that's edited and curated perfectly for your lifestyle will make life so much more functional, sensible, cost effective, enjoyable and stress free!
As summer approaches and small social gatherings become possible again, now is the best time to go through your closet. Hold on to the pieces you love, and toss, donate, give away, or consign the pieces you don’t see yourself wearing anymore. Although it may be overwhelming, follow these helpful tips. “If you want what you’ve never had you gotta do what you’ve never done.” You got this! Get Organized!
And for products on organizing your closet after you edit, check out our shop.