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HOW TO: Repurpose A Finished Candle

Imagine it Done

At Imagine It Done, we LOVE the idea of repurposing already purchased items and creating new gems within the home! Today, we're going to show you a quick and easy DIY project on how to remodel your empty candle vessels.

HOW TO CLEAN: The best way to clean your candle is to put it in the freezer overnight and allow the remainder of wax to freeze; it will come right out! If you still have a little wax leftover, you can fill the jar with boiling water for a few hours and scrub. You'll be left with a clean jar plus the amazing scent residue.

repurposed candle holders for home organization

1. Beauty Tools, Makeup, & Perfume Samples

I'm sure you've seen some Instagram worthy "shelfies" stocked with used Dyptique candle jars as makeup tool holders. We love this! It looks super chic and amazing storage for your brushes & beauty tools, lipsticks & mascaras, and all of your mini perfume samples.

2. Cotton Ball & Q-Tip Holder

You can also store cotton balls and Q-Tips in these jars and display these on countertop. They look super pretty and neat.

3. Office Desk Pencil, Pen, & Paper Clip Holder

Using a candle jar as a pencil/pen holder will dress up your office! You can display 3 different candle jars in different sizes to separate pencils, pens, & miscellaneous office accessories.

4. Matchbox

Use your candle vessel as a matchbox by filling the candle with long matches. Cut the striker strip off of any regular matchbox and glue it to the bottom of the candle jar. Voila!

5. Flower Vase & Succulent Topiary

We love the idea of using your candle jar as a home for succulents, air plants, and fresh flowers. You can cut a banana leaf or long grass, wrap it around the inside of the "vase" to create a more decorated look.

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