In a NYC apartment, the office (aka desk) can be found anywhere from the kitchen, to the living room to its own room if you have the space. If you work from home, or are managing your family's daily activities, an organized work space is essential to your peace of mind. Here are 5 easy steps to an organized office:

1: Desk accessories are on display, so they should be as beautiful as the desk they are sitting on! Some of our favorites? These colorful pieces from Poppin! Choose to stick with a monochromatic color scheme or mix & match.
2: Buy a fresh set of file folders and label them for each member of your family. You will find it easy to sort and store medical, dental, school, and work files for everyone. Also create files for any bills or home documents such as instructions for your appliances or the lease to your apartment.
3: Accessorize with trays to help organize important documents, like your bills, extra printer paper and even your to-do list. You'll be able to manage your desk space in a more functional way.

4: While most of your life is managed digitally, there's still something to be said for writing it down on paper. Why not write in style? Keep pretty pens & pencils easily accessible on the desktop as display them as accessories. We love these gem top pencils from Papyrus!
5: Just because some things belong inside your desk drawers, doesn't mean you can just throw them in. It's as simple as adding a couple of drawer organizers to help keep your desk drawers neat and easy to navigate.
Looking for more useful products for your home? Check out our shop, where we feature our favorite home organization products.